

Avanade demonstrated the power of our Smart Wearable in a conference, this included a real-time visualisation.



In 2016 Sendrato was selected to run a next-level, smart conference organised by Avanade in Seattle. The conference setup was typical, with keynote sessions, break-out sessions and a sponsor area. All visitors were handed out a smart wristband upon entry to the conference venue. The localisation features of the smart wristband were leveraged to keep track of visitor counts during the various sessions. In real-time the visitor occupancies were visualised in a dashboard (see Avanade white paper). In addition, the visitors were connecting with each other using the button on the wristband, creating an exchange of virtual business cards. Whenever a connection was made the visitors would receive an e-mail with the LinkedIn profile of the connected other person. Whenever the keynote session was started the LEDs on the wristbands were used to notify the visitors.